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All massages are by appointment only. No walk-in or same-day appointments. New client availability is limited and primarily by referral.


If you need more information, have questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, you can contact me via phone, email or by filling out the form below. 


When leaving a message (email, contact form or phone) to schedule an appointment, please include your name, indicate preferred day, time of day and length of session you are requesting.


You can generally expect to hear back within a couple hours. Any message not returned within 24-hours of normal business hours, you may want to try again, as occasionally messages do not get through.


Success! Message sent.



Covid hasn’t gone away. Colds, Flu and RSV are seasonal, but can occur any time of the year. If you are sick, stay home. 

  • Please cancel your appointment soon after you become ill. 

    • If you wake up not feeling well, odds are you won’t feel well by your appointment.

    • If your appointment is a couple days away and you are ill, please consider canceling sooner than later to allow me time to refill that spot.​

    • If you arrive ill, you may be sent home.


With Covid19, (and applicable with any virus) it was emphasized the risk of infection increased due to proximity (how close to an individual), duration (length of time exposed to an individual) and size of room (small, closed room). Massage ranks high in all three areas. 



Masking is optional. If you choose to, and prefer I do, I will mask.


If you have received the Covid-19 vaccination, it is recommended by the massage industry pathology expert to wait a minimum of TWO days after vaccination in case there is any reaction.


Thank you.. 


Angel's Touch Massage

1511 E Minnesota St - Suite 1

PO Box 188

Saint Joseph, MN  56374


Located on East Minnesota Street across from Milbert, Johnson & Cotton Family Dentistry.




Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

© 2016 by R Janssen

Proudly created with

Be sure to "LIKE" Angel's Touch Massage for updates and information...

Rose Janssen, CMT


Rest Your Wings...   ^J^

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Angel's Touch Massage
1511 E Minnesota St
PO Box 188
St Joseph MN 56374 
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